
Protecting your privacy should be a top priority. From GDPR and PIPEDA, every country has data protection laws stating what a website or business can store and share with others. But, it’s up to you to get the tools to protect your privacy and secure your accounts.

Get tips and software recommendations right here.


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Cyber Security
As hackers and scammers get smarter, we have to be smarter about how we protect our personal data. Follow the latest news and updates from the cyber security world, and get helpful tips and software recommendations that will stop...
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There are a lot of confusing terms and solutions when it comes to online security. What’s is a VPN? Is it different than a proxy? How readily available is my data? Do I need AES 256-bit encryption and WireGuard...
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Understand the difference between White Hat and Black Hat hackers. We profile some of the world’s biggest and best hackers, and some background information on how they operate. You’ll also get valuable tips to protect yourself from becoming a...
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